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Jul 26, 2017 Then use Entourage to export the OLM file, and then reinstall new Mac OS and get an Office 365 subscription so you can import everything into Outlook 2016. If you were using IMAP, Hotmail or some other server-based email service, and you can live without your 'on my computer' data, then you don't have to revert to Entourage.
Download updates from Office Mac or use AutoUpdate under Help in the menu bar. More Info on updates
To test the trial version of Office for Mac 2008, you can download the trial and test out Office 2008 for 30 days free. Microsoft only offers the Office 2011 trial at this time.
Click on Download Test Trial. I advise reading the FAQs first.
After you enter your name and contact info, you will be presented with this screen.
Click on the Download Now link. You can copy your Product Key to paste during the install. Everything in this screen will be sent to you in the welcome email. You only need the Product Key to continue with the install. The email will contain your order number and your password along with your Product Key. SAVE THIS EMAIL!
By default, the installer will be downloaded to the Downloads folder. You can click on the find icon to locate.
Launch the installer. You must be an admin user to install.
It's best to quit all running applications before installing. Easy way: Select Log out of your User under the Apple in the menu bar. When you Log in, hold down the Shift key. This will disable all login items.
Do NOT remove old versions of Office at this time. You can always go back later and remove using 'Remove Office' found in Additional Tools folder.
Enter your info in the Setup Assistant. When it completes you are given two options. Registration is not required. All it does is add you to a mailing list. This is NOT the activation for your product.
Almost immediately, the Microsoft AutoUpdater will launch.
You'll see it in the Dock. Select Keep in Dock.
Before you download and install the latest updater restart your computer for best results. See Restarting your computer after an update is important!
Remember to log in with Shift key down to disable all start up items. Select the MAU from the Dock and download the 12.2.1 updater. (note in the future, the version info here could change)
After updating, restart again. This time log in normally. Verify you are updated.
The true test of any update is the Microsoft Component Plugin. You'll note the Microsoft Component Plugin is v 12.2.1, but the applications are 12.2.0. More info: Verify your update.
When you launch any Office application, you will see this screen. Click on Try to test Office for free for 30 days. If you decide to purchase the trial version, click on Buy Now. You will receive an Activation code that you can enter in the Activate Purchase box.
If you decide not to purchase the trial version or want to install a retail version of Office 2008, you will need to fully remove all traces of the Office 2008 Trial version.
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Download updates from Office Mac or use AutoUpdate under Help in the menu bar. More Info on updates
Download updates from Mactopia or use AutoUpdate under Help in the menu bar. Even if you prefer to download from Mactopia, use AutoUpdate to keep you notified of updates. It will NOT automatically install the update.
Remove Office Test Drive
Special Bulletin: Before you install Microsoft Office, you must first remove the Office Test Drive from your computer. Use the 'Remove Office', application to completely remove all Office files. You'll find 'Remove Office' in the Office Additional Tools folder.
Note: Remove Office does not remove your Microsoft User Data folder. (this is the folder where all your mail/data is stored). It does remove any registration keys and preferences for Office.
Pre-Installation Tips
Tips when upgrading Entourage mail:
Carefully check whether you entered the key correctly. For more help, see here.
If you can't update then Microsoft has probably disabled the CD key in the installer because it has been pirated and spread over the internet. If you have a legitimate copy contact MS Customer Service to get a new key.
Many copies sold on eBay do not come with legitimate CD keys.
If you ever sell your computer you need to be sure to remove your CD key. If not, the next thing you know it will be all over the internet. See below for options to delete the CD Key.
The PID (Product IDentification) code is used to register. Registeration is not required and serves no useful purpose. It will put you on a Microsoft email list.
'Registration' has nothing to do with the operation of the software - unlike the Activation required for MS Windows software. It's little more than a marketing tool.
When you first install Office, you type in your product CD Key, which generates a PID (Product IDentification) code. (a product ID will look like this: 11111-130-0001111-12345. This is used to receive support from Microsoft.) The product key is on a yellow or bright orange sticker on the CD package. This is what is used to install.
If you need to change the CD registration key for any reason, The following options can be used:
Tip: Download EasyFind to find and trash the invisible OfficePID file (Spotlight won't find invisible system files). Turn on the 'Invisible Files & Folders' option when you search for an item named 'OfficePID'. Select the file in the search results window and choose File > Move to Trash.
Delete these two files on one of the machines:
~:Library:Preferences:Microsoft:Office 2008:Microsoft Office 2008 Settings.plist
where ~ is your home folder, and
HD:Applications:Microsoft Office 2008:Office:OfficePID.plist
When you start an Office app, you'll be asked for a CD Key.
If the above fails, please try the following
Please delete
Is there an easy way to do trial and error and change the key if it was already used?
If you look in the Application menu for the About item and display that, it will display the Product ID to you.
If you find two machines on which all but the last five digits match, the same key was used on those two machines.
It won't tell you 'which' key was used, just that the 'same' key was used.
Disable Network check
See the tip posted on MacOSXHints. Office X used port 2222 and now Office 2008 uses 2223 for Network PID Checking. I don't condone software piracy. Use this script only as described in the tip.
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